Vision From Europe – A photographic tribute to Matera Basilica 2019 by students and teachers from 28 countries.

Photo by Ph Marco Longari
Visions from Europe promotes an original and contemporary vision of Matera and of Basilicata through the eye of 56 European photographers. A teacher and a student for each of the 28 schools of photography of the 28 European countries invited were hosted in Basilicata for an artistic residency between April and July 2019, in order to realize an individual production of photographic images, enlarging the iconographical research that aims to celebrate Matera, Capital of Culture 2019.
The exhibition, with the opening in the Romanic landscape of Palazzo Viceconte on September 20th and hosted at the Museo Pino Settani, is the result of an exclusive work, a vision of the territory of Matera and its inhabitants created with an international educational project. It is a production where each participant had freedom of expression developing their idea and representing the individual perception of the territory stylistically.
The 56 artistic residencies were developed within three months and produce thousands images. A first selection was made by the authors themselves and afterwards, the two curator of the exhibition, Francis Kohn and Cosmo Laera, selected the works that are now included in the exhibition and will then be donate to the City Archive of Matera.
Several public meeting with the different authors who presented their activity of research and photographic production took place during the project.
The exhibition consists of more than one hundred pictures expressing artistic values, formal sensibility and different generational characteristics since for each country there was a double production from a student and a professor dictated by different ages and experiences.
The result is a stunning construction of the vision of Matera on the territory, it combines the renowned aspects of the city of Sassi with the reality of the daily real life and of the development generated by the title of World Heritage site.
The usage of the contemporary photographic language and the contextual international analysis of the city are the key points on which the iconographic research and formal experimentation are based on with their high social impact.
In order to enhance and witness the project, a monography on the subject was created and will be distributed in the participating countries through the universities and schools involved. Together with the works, it will also include contributions byi Mario Calabresi, Giovanna Calvenzi, of the two curators , Françis Kohn e Cosmo Laera and others.
Matera European Photography, guided by its president Presidente Roberto Linzalone and the Artistic Director Cosmo Laera, created Visions from Europe thanks to the important support of Canon Europe, supporting the project from the planning to its realization, the Students and Professors involved, and, of course, the essential support of the Fondazione Matera Basilicata 2019 and the partner Matera Diffusa who made the creation of this extraordinary event easier.
“Visions from Europe – underlines Rossella Tarantino, Developement and Relations Manager of the Fondazione Matera Basilicata 2019 – is an important project within the cultural program of Matera 2019 and generous since it gives to our community a unique exhibition. The 28 photographers arrived In Matera from the 28 countries, expression of the European diversities, narrate with extraordinary images and through the young students, the here and now, in the European Capital of culture, the contemporary society and its shades, contradictions, its potential.
A very articulated project that found its central point in the meetings with the local photographers, A great opportunity of confrontation with the Names of this art. Authors who transferred their knowledge in their speeches, the secrets of their research, techniques and experiences of the schools of photography of the entire continent. I therefore, truly thank Canon. having brought to Matera the European Photography, the artistic Director of the project Cosmo Laera, the partners in Lucania, Matera European Photography and Matera Diffusa, having confirmed the quality of the cultural and
creative scene in Lucania”
Project created by:
Associazione Matera European Photography
Fondazione Matera Basilicata 2019
Matera Diffusa
With the Patronage of Municipality of Matera
Photographic exhibition with catalogue at:
Museum of Photography Pino Settanni
Rione Sassi/Via S. Potito, 8 – 75100 Matera